Selasa, 31 Januari 2012

Once Upon a Time at Batu #1

Batu City, most famous with the name of Batu Malang. This is one of plateau city at East Java. The place near Malang city and can be reached about one hour from Malang. Batu city has several good places and is a tourism destination, either nature tourism or education tourism.
Anyway, Batu has a new tourism destination. Alright, Jatim Park 2 is an awesome place for me. I went there when new year holiday with my family. This is a good place and recommended for a holiday destination with friends or with the big family.  
Here a few photos and short story when holiday at Jatim Park 2 J

The vacation started from Blitar (is my hometown), by car it can be reached about two hours. All the way we can saw a beautiful panorama.

Unfortunately, welcome greeting at Jatim Park 2 was raining fall  L

In Jatim Park 2 have two tourism destinations, Batu Secret Zoo and Museum Satwa (wildlife museum). Let’s start talking about Museum Satwa. Well, because raining the first our destiny was Museum Satwa. That is an indoor place. In this place, we can saw the animal have preserved or skeleton ancient animals, like dinosaurs, and so on. In other parts, we can saw several of insect, komodo, snake and wild animals

Before entering Museum Satwa I take a picture with scartoow.. is so many picture I take in there, it’s a few of picture at Museum Satwa:
The building looks so classic.

give feed to deer
My brother pose in front of dinosaurs skeleton
Let’s go the next destinations, Secret Zoo. But previously, we went to lunch at Pohon Inn. It’s a unique inn. We eat together with animal, hear so fanny. I mean, the floor was spinning around, and beside that our table, we traversed leopard and deer at behind the glass.

this is leopard at inn it is looks 'galau'
what can you see leopard at behind glass..? heheee

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