Kamis, 17 November 2011

Community Development and Renewable Technology


So far, community development has been focused on social and economic development. Besides social and economic issues, environmental issue is one thing usually less concerned in community development discussion. In fact, society needs a treatment which combines social, economic and environmental approach. The environment becomes something important as a form of conservation to balance the development. Successful community development depends on its strategies. Local wisdom is one of the important keys to approach community development. Local wisdom is useful to assess the needs of society, such as resources, need, approach and treatment on the community. To run the development program the empowerment mechanism should be run as well, as a methodological approach. Applied technology is considered to represent this concept. This concept is well exemplified by applied technology implementation in Pandansimo beach, a coastal area which has many natural resources, one of them is wind. Wind resource can be processed to be renewable energy. The windmill project in Pandansimo beach, Ngentak sub-village, Bantul, combines the three approaches of community development in the running of the project. This paper will explain how to empower the local society using applied technology. The alternative concept, therefore, can be a recommendation in the coastal area empowerment program.

Keyword: local wisdom, empowerment, coastal area, windmill.

Note :
Paper ini di buat febuari 2011 dengan judul: "Kincir Angin Sebagai Bentuk Ikthiar Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Pesisir Pandansimo". Tujuan penulisannya sebagai salah satu kelengkapan  penulisan ilmiah yang harus saya lampirkan untuk  mendaftar disalah satu institusi di Indonesia.

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